Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Surprising Truth About Ron Paul

There's a combination of bribery and threats keeping MSM from talking anything seriously positive about Dr Paul. It's completely up to me and you people!!!

The media industrial complex is almost completely bought off!!!

We need to get back to serious grass roots. Talk to every neighbor you can...tell everyone, you have nothing personal against other candidates, but when you see that the main news stations utterly ignore an event like The Voluntary White House Troop March for Ron Paul of Feb 20th, 2012... you know there's a massively corrupt system at work on the American population in general and we're calling on every agent of the media to not sellout...and every single American on the left and the right of the mainstream to join us in demanding equality of ideas and freedom of speech. That is what a true patriot is gonna fight for!!

We're calling on independent media agents to start pushing Ron Paul's message much more, since we can clearly see that there is a massive scandal going on, where not only some party line liberals on the left, but also, the leadership of the main GOP party are doing everything they can to avoid, cheat, sidestep, evade, tear down, debase, ignore, alienate and destroy Ron Paul and his supporters, which Americans of all walks of life...who have a message of peace and freedom.

If he was such a harmless kook, why do they seem to be soooo utterly afraid of him.... ???

Because, he's the soap in the big, ugly grease pit of bureaucracy, special interest and other forms of Federal administration. Let's seriously cut the wasteful taxing and spending. Let the people handle the issues... not the big, centralized government!

The government should only exist to provide a level playing field and nothing less and nothing more!!


Please share this message with everyone you know!!
Learn more about Ron Paul on Facebook!!

liberty, freedom, gop candidate, republican, ron paul

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Birds of a Feather: Obama, Romney, Santorum, Gingrich and Bush Cronies

Obama, Romney, Santorum, Gingrich and Bush Cronies...
They propose all these big government, big brother solutions to what ails us!!

Is it really and truly helping us as a people... ?
Or is it simply having us...the people, do it their way?!

Is it perhaps in some ways, a method of democratic enslavement?

What about Ron Paul...? What does he want to do?

Perhaps you've heard some negative rumor about his ideas
and you stopped looking at his platform!

Perhaps you think he's just politics as usual and nothing new.

Well, here's the startling truth that people you know need to understand!

You may not agree with him on every single thing...
But surely we can all agree on the ideal of sound
principles and overall personal freedom of choice...

And when it comes to sound principles...
I don't want to say they are bad or immoral people...
But they seem to want rulership powers...
They want their controls and ideology to rule...

They want to achieve their personal ambitions through The State!!

They essentially all want controls
over our personal, social and economic lives with things social and economic restraints, regulations, tax codes, red tape, licensing, bureaucracy, lobbying, corporate governorship, racketeering, price fixing and overall monopolization tactics.

They are mostly all easily bought off and they fail to address many underlying concerns that many Americans are having, concerning the Federal Reserve and general currency manipulation though the banking system.

They also fail to address things like false flag wars and corporate military profits essentially on the tax payer mega-dime.

Massive tax and spend policy that binds us all to a centralized form for big government control...even as we think we are free, we are bound by a currency manipulation scheme that has already appeared to be more than just conspiracy...through multi trillion dollar, corporate bank bailouts approved by members of congress that are either lobbied or in some other way on the payroll of manipulative, profiteering mega corporations that would essentially have a tax on every single thing that occurs, every singe transaction that takes place. A tax on every fish that's caught for example... worldwide!

These are the kind of controls that are essentially binding us up into a global, democratic structure, where there's very little to no sovereignty or independence.

Most social efforts are actually now phony disguises for massive profit schemes. Even Social Security has been referred to as a 'ponzi scheme' by some... and it is a challenge for most people to understand. They don't think about what is really going on.

What is happening is we are bankrupting our system by subsidizing a failing program that has to be propped up perpetually through currency manipulation, 'economic growth' and major power and resource grabs for starters. So it's essentially broken.

We must think of other solutions and keep this sort of program lean so that the people have more control of their money than a centralized Federal Agency that may indeed be using that money to loan out and subsidize major programs and corporate agendas that we would never actually approve of if we had the slightest knowledge of them. That is why some would say it's good to allow young people to opt out of the system.

You can't count on someone else to help the poor for you. You have to help them yourself...otherwise, they get very little real help and someone else makes a massive profit acting as a middleman.

There's so much to talk about...
but let's think about this...

Those other guys that were mentioned above...
They all essentially equal 'The Sytem'
When it comes to You vs 'The Sytem'...
I believe Ron Paul is on your side!!!

Having a President on that's on the side of
the people as a whole is surely a sound principle
Regardless of party or skin color
or other preconceived notions!

Look... we all have to make educated decisions...
I truly believe that if you go watch the videos on the Ron Paul
website and really listen closely to the things that he is telling us...
your understanding of his principles will develop and, like many
of us, perhaps you will realize that his overall message is the best
chance of restoring liberty to The United States of America.

We are a free democratic republican.
We stand for freedom from the tyranny when elected officials on both major
sides of the political field are approving of all these social efforts that bind us to
these 'common goals' that many of us don't have a personal interest in.

These are special interests and lobbying agencies. Say no to collective, special interest.
Say yes to RON PAUL!!!

If you feel the same urgency to help an underdog overpower the corporate monopoly
that is the current Presidency... then go onto Youtube and Google and really research Ron Paul's platform.

Send this blog to a friend or family member or post on your page to introduce everyone to Ron Paul, so that we can all make a more informed decision before voting.

political cronies, obama, romney, gingrich, santorum